Figuring Out the Internet World Can be Challenging

The Multi-Level Marketing, Network Marketing, work from home world is so complex. When I started researching I was shocked! Every new page I pulled up, every email I got, promising easy money, thousands of leads, mentors, etc got more and more confusing as I spent more time looking at it. I am a thinker, so I wanted to know more about every company, person etc. What was the best for me? What was best for my lifestyle and really what offered me what I needed to sustain myself financially?

There are 3 types of online businesses. I've attached some examples of each.

The typical Matrix organization. Are they schemes? Well, no depending on the type of company it is. Basically in this type of company you get paid by the people that you bring into the company and as they bring people in you get paid again and again. Great! My big thing was find something that I knew I myself would use. With the market the way it is, I thought what are people looking for? They want to get involved with something early into a new company, don't want to have to sponsor too many people and have low investment. A new one that is going to take the world by storm is Biogenx Global.

This company is setting itself apart from the rest of the Multi Level Marketing world with a really unique compensation structure. By sponsoring only 3 people yourself, the company will actually place 81 people in your downline and pay you on each person. The company is focused on Humanitarian efforts and much of the profits will be used to help needy people worldwide. This one will be a winner and will be around for a while. The official launch is coming up any day now. 30,000 people are pre-enrolled. As you try to navigate through the multi level marketing world, watch out for the fake promises, make sure the matrix/pyramid is going to make you money, not just the people above you!

Direct Pay for work. Surveys, online data entry, etc. Get paid very little money for time spent....not my thing, but for some might work good. Very little risk and if you do enough of them you might get enough to fill up your gas tank!

Direct Sales/Wholesale sales. You can be paid on the sales you bring in, but also on sales of the people that other people make too in this business. I have found this to be the most lucrative simply because the commissions are so much greater. This particular business utilizes a franchise-like business model with aspects of network marketing leveraging resources that allows retailers to earn high pay. They market personal development products and provide all the tools needed for anyone to replicate the success. $1000-8000 per sale. Definitely enough to pay your mortgage and the crazy gas prices! This is for someone who wants to be involved in direct sales of products while taking advantage of some of the benefits of working from home.

About the Author:
Kirsten Shafer is a single mom in Arizona. Kirsten helps many people navigate through the internet marketing world and try to figure out what type of business works well for them and their goals.

Article Source: - Figuring Out the Internet World Can be Challenging

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