What Are the Benefits of Leased Lines?

There are a number of benefits for having your own leased lines and here we will look at a few that should benefit you.

Firstly, what is a leased line?

A leased line is a dedicated line that provides you with guaranteed bandwidth and is the most cost effective option for heavy users. An example of a leased line would be a business that has two locations, perhaps across town from each other. For this example we will say it is a car dealership. A leased line is used for these two dealerships to communicate with each other without the necessity of picking up the phone and dialling a number or having to worry about faxing documents that can be shared across the network that is created with a leased line. With higher network and internet speeds available, this means your employees can become more productive and effective.

When you have leased lines you have the ability to link Local Area Networks (LANs) and build Wide Area Networks (WANs), which is a greater option for operating in-house IP's. There are more choices in bandwidth ranging from 64kbps to 622mbps and the bandwidth is dedicated 24/7 with complete security and privacy for all data which even includes voice. Most companies that offer leased lines will also offer discounts for 2 to 5 year contracts and have support around the clock, seven days a week, in case of any problems that may arise. So make sure you take this into consideration before purchasing a leased line.

Although leased lines are being slowly overtaken by DSL and VPN technology there are still some advantages that can be found, such as the ability of leased lines to move data faster than metro-net, VPN or DSL

So how can leased lines work for you?

Leased lines require that a fixed line be connected to your building. You pay an annual rental fee only and have no connection or any other additional connectivity charges for the use of the service.

It is a 24-hour constant service with support and is dedicated to provide a structure that will ensure you are able to connect fast and directly to your host server or the Internet at all times. A separate router or hub should also be installed in the building; these will provide the gateway for access to the Internet.

When you have a leased line you have the ability to connect separate offices and buildings so that they can share data and connections. This in turn allows for better productivity and effectiveness of staff. When you have your business locations connected in this way then you have the ability to have peer to peer Voice over IP (VoIP) and even share data and other services within your servers all at no additional costs.

Businesses that are in need of communication 24 hours a day 7 days a week, that is dedicated and uninterrupted or those that wish to build and work their own comms network will find that leased lines are the perfect answer and most definitely the way forward.

About the Author:
Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who writes for a number of UK businesses. For Business Internet Services and Leased Lines, he recommends Iconnyx.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - What Are the Benefits of Leased Lines?

Bandwidth, Benefits, Adsl, Sdsl, Iconnyx, Leased Lines